About Me

Throughout high school and college, work dominated my life. I’d go to school and then go to work and that was about it. As time went on, I quickly became tired of this sort of routine and decided there was no way I was going to allow my entire life to revolve around work. Consequently, my junior year of college I began reading about different types of investments and businesses that were scalable and could be set up passively. It was at this point that I discovered real estate investing. Real estate appealed to me as it’s a malleable asset, is extremely tax advantaged, and can be almost entirely passive with the right systems in place. Fast forward to the present and I’ve been buying rentals consistently since college and have built out a land & development business which continually feeds the acquisition of rentals. I quit my job in 2019 and relocated to Colorado where I’ve always wanted to live. Because of the financial impact of real estate investing, I left traditional employment at 23 and now have the freedom to work on what I want without being tied to any sort of employer.

Within the real estate world, I’m currently working on a mixture of new development, land investing, consulting and am always on the lookout for property that makes sense as a long term buy & hold. Aside from real estate, I like to spend my free time in nature either in the mountains or on the beach. Surfing, snowboarding, hiking, and mountain biking are some of my favorite hobbies. Thanks to my business, I’m able to pursue my passions at my leisure.

It’s often said that money isn’t the most important thing in life, which is true, but money DOES enable us to spend time doing the things that ARE most important like visiting with family or pursuing our passions. This is why I started this blog & website in 2019 as I wanted to share what I’ve done so that others could replicate it. My situation isn’t special, it all starts with being prudent with your finances, spending time with the right people, controlling the things in life you can control, acquiring useful skills and taking action once you have the necessary knowledge.

It’s easy to fall into the traditional trap of spending all that you earn, inflating your expenses as your income increases and not taking the time to learn about how simple investing can be. Even if that’s been your M.O. for years, there is no reason why you can’t change it now.

Regardless of your age or your financial starting point, small incremental changes in your habits can quickly snowball into massive life changes. If you do take the time to read any of what I’ve written, I hope that it has a positive impact on your habits/thinking!